There are many different people involved in a claim, including your employer, your adjuster, and medical providers. The one thing they all have in common is you. By ensuring good communication throughout your recovery, you can help make sure you receive the best possible outcome.
Good communication can help make sure benefit payments and treatment begin quickly, and help you return to work sooner.
Here are two things you can do to ensure good communication:
Make sure you proactively share information. Although it is true that your adjuster, employer, and medical providers will be in communication with each other, it will still benefit you to share information between each party. If you receive information from your medical providers or employer, share it with your adjuster. If your adjuster provides you information about returning to work, share it with your employer. This will ensure everyone has the most up-to-date information, so they can act quickly to manage your claim.
Please respond to communications timely. A claim can generate a lot of information. It will be sent to you over the phone, in the mail, and digitally. It can be a lot to process, and may seem intimidating at first, but it is important that you review and respond to these communications quickly. Your adjuster is available to answer any questions you may have and you may also reach out to the Information and Assistance Unit at the Division of Workers’ Compensation.
Focus on recovery
Attending all of your medical appointments and following your doctor’s treatment plan should be your focus throughout your claim. Our Provider Finder will help you find a primary treating physician, specialist, or urgent care provider when necessary. The medical providers in our Medical Provider Network are experts in workplace injury recovery.
Mileage to and from your medical providers’ offices is reimbursable as long as the travel is for authorized medical services. You can be reimbursed for trips to the pharmacy for authorized prescriptions prescribed by an authorized medical provider by providing the myMatrixx Workers' Compensation Temporary Prescription ID Card (Pharmacy) to the pharmacist. Complete our mileage reimbursement form and submit it to your adjuster for review of your mileage reimbursement request.
Use available resources
Our Virtual Assistant is the easiest way to get your claim number and adjuster information when you need it. The process is simple and you will have your claim information in seconds.
Get your claim Info from our Virtual Assistant - click on the chat icon in the lower right corner of your browser.
We have developed a number of resources to provide you more information about how claims are managed. These resources will help you to feel comfortable and informed as you navigate through the claims process with us. Here are some links to the most relevant information for you:
- Understanding Your Workers’ Compensation Claim – Explains the basics of the claim process and the forms you will need to complete.
- Delayed Claim – A claim may be delayed when more information is needed before we can make a liability decision.
- Understanding Utilization Review and the Independent Medical Review Process – These processes ensure requested medical treatments use standard best practices.
- Beginning Temporary Disability Benefits – Temporary Disability may pay a portion of the workers’ salary while they recover.
- Beginning or Resuming Permanent Disability Benefits – Permanent Disability is a benefit for an injury that will not result in a full recovery.
- Returning to Work – Learn about the process of returning to work, including modified or alternative work, and what happens if your employer has no work you are able to perform.
- Workers’ Comp Benefits – Workers’ compensation has several different benefits to provide you financial support during and after your recovery. Learn more about Temporary Disability, Permanent Disability, and Supplemental Job Displacement Benefits.
On Demand Webinars
- Claims Management – This presentation provides an overview of the life of a workers’ compensation claim. Although it is designed for employers, it will provide you valuable insight as to how claims are managed.
- Advanced Claims Topics – Some injuries require more advanced care in the workers’ compensation system than others. We explore topics including the claim resolution process, settlements, and more. Although designed for employers, this webinar will provide you valuable information regarding our processes.