State Fund Today
Learn About Our New Rates

For policies effective December 1, 2024, and later, our policyholders will see an overall reduction of 7.9 percent in collectible premium. This decrease reflects the updated pure premiums per the WCIRB’s September 1, 2024 proposed advisory level, lower LCM (Loss Cost Multiplier) factors, updated minimum premium accounts by class code, and impacts from our scheduled rating threshold change. Beginning with effective dates of December 1, 2024 and later, we raised the premium threshold for schedule rating from a $25,000 standard premium to a $50,000 standard premium. This change is designed to allow our brokers to quote and bind more business through BindNow and renew even more policies via our fast-flow, low-touch renewal process.
If you have any questions, please contact customer support at (888) 782-8338 or your marketing representative.