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August 25, 2021

9:00 a.m.

VIDEO TELECONFERENCE (Link unavailable after meeting)


David M. Lanier, Chair
Daniel M. Curtin
Richard J. Guggenhime
Sen. Michael J. Machado (Ret.)
Jack L. Neureuter
Alexis A. Podesta
Arthur H. Pulaski
Thomas E. Rankin
Angela D. Tate
William M. Zachry
Katrina S. Hagen, Ex-Officio


OPEN SESSION Wednesday, August 25, 2021 @ 9:00 a.m.
Action/David Lanier 1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Action/David Lanier 2. Antitrust Admonition
Action/David Lanier 3. Consent Calendar1
  1. Approval of May 20-21, 2021 Open Meeting Minutes
  2. Board Member Educational Opportunities and Approval of Planned Board Member Education and Expense Reimbursement
  3. Approval of Investment Policy Statement and Guidelines Resolution
  4. Approval of Retirement Resolutions
Information/Vernon Steiner 4. Financial and President’s Report: 2Q 2021
(Read only, unless questions)
  5. Reports by the Chairs of Committee Activities
(Oral Presentation)
Information/Thomas Rankin

Information/William Zachry

Information/Michael Machado
  1. Governance Committee

  2. Audit Committee

  3. Investment and Risk Committee
  1. Bond Transactions and Compliance Report
Information/David Lanier 6. Chairperson’s Report
(Oral Presentation)
Information/David Lanier 7. Board Member Reports
(Oral Presentation)
Information/David Lanier 8. Public Comment on Appropriateness of Closed Session for Items 11 through 18
Information/David Lanier 9. Public Comment
Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Action/David Lanier

10. Approval of May 20-21, 2021 Closed Meeting Minutes
Action/Ken Van Laar and Kate Smith 11. Dividend, Pricing, and Reserves Strategic Plan
[Government Code Section 11126(j)(4)]
Information/Vernon Steiner and Executive Committee 12. Update on 2021 Strategic Plan
[Government Code sections 11126 (j)(4)]
Information/Executive Committee 13. Operational Strategic Plan Updates
[Government Code sections 11126(e), (j)(2), (3), (4)]
  1. Legislative
  2. Information Technology
  3. Workplace Safety and Loss Prevention
  4. Claims
Information/William Zachry 14. Significant Open Audits Report and Fraud Litigation Report
[Government Code Sections 11126(e), (j)(2) - (4)] 

Information/Thomas Rankin

15. Governance Considerations Related to the Strategic Plan
[Government Code Section 11126(j)(4)]
  1. Enterprise Procurement Strategic Plan Update

Action/Michael Machado

16. Financial, Investment and Risk Considerations Related to the Strategic Plan
[Government Code section 11126(j)(4)]
  1. Insurance and Reinsurance Strategic Plan Update

Information/Margie Lariviere

17. Pending and Potential Litigation
[Government Code section 11126(e), (j)(4)]
  1. State Compensation Insurance Fund v. ReadyLink, Riverside Superior Court, Case No. PSC1500168;

  2. State Compensation Insurance Fund v. Lara (A-Brite), Sacramento Superior Court, Case No. 34-2019-80003164;

  3. Michael Reynolds Enterprise, Inc. dba Reynolds Termite Control, et al. v. State Compensation Insurance Fund, Los Angeles Superior Court, Case No. 19STCV05738, and In the Matter of the Appeal of Michael Reynolds Enterprise Inc., dba Reynolds Termite Control, California Department of Insurance, File No. AHB-WCA-20-13;

  4. American Jetter & Plumbing, Inc., et al. v. State Compensation Insurance Fund, Los Angeles Superior Court, Case No. 19STCV36307;

  5. In the Matter of the Appeal of Sessions Payroll Management, Inc., California Department of Insurance, File No. AHB-WCA-18-47.
Information/Action/Board and Executive Committee 18. Strategic Planning Meeting
  1. Technology Changes Strategic Impact
  2. 2022 Financial Strategy

August 25, 2021 @ 3:30 pm or upon adjournment or recess of the Strategic Meeting Closed Session, whichever is later.

Action/David Lanier 19. Call to Order and Roll Call
Action/David Lanier 20. Proposals and Suggestions for November 2021 Agenda
Next Board Meeting: Sometime the week of November 15-19, 2021, location to be determined (TBD), unless noticed for a new date and time.

1Items on the Consent Calendar include routine actions or matters already considered by a committee of the Board and will be enacted by one motion and a majority vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Board Member or the public so requests. It is in the Board’s discretion to remove items already considered by a committee of the Board from the Consent Calendar. Any item removed from the Consent Calendar will be considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. If you wish to have an item removed from the Consent Calendar, please submit a speaker card or make your request at the time the Board Chairperson asks if any member of the public wishes to remove an item from consent. After an item, if any, that is removed from the Consent Calendar, has been discussed, the Board will vote to approve all items remaining on the Consent Calendar.

Note: Items designated “information” are appropriate for Board/Committee action if the Board/Committee wishes to take action. Any agenda item from a properly noticed Committee meeting held prior to the Board meeting may be considered by the Board. Agenda items may be taken out of order with the approval of the Chairperson.
Public comment can be sent via email to Public Comment that is related to the agenda item, which seeks public comment, will be read to the Board/Committee. Language that is not socially appropriate will not be read or otherwise communicated at the meeting. Thank you for your courtesy.