State Compensation Insurance Fund (State Fund) provides public access to the records we maintain according to the following procedures.

Requests for Records may be directed to State Fund’s Public Records Office. State Fund’s Public Records Office facilitates our responses to California Public Records Act requests.

By directing your request to the Public Records Office, it is easier for us to respond, track, and process your request promptly. You may reach our Public Records Office by:

  • Phone (888) 724-3237
  • Fax (707) 624-4596
  • Email
  • Mail:
    State Compensation Insurance Fund
    Public Records Office
    1010 Vaquero Circle, Suite 1171
    Vacaville, CA 95688

Identification of Requestors

You do not need to provide identification or the reason for your request. However, if you’d like records sent to you, we will require sufficient contact information.

Written Requests Encouraged

Written requests help us ensure we correctly identify the records you seek.

Requests can be submitted:

  • Online
  • U.S. Mail
    • Send your Records Request form to State Compensation Insurance Fund, Public Records Office, 1010 Vaquero Circle, Vacaville, CA 95688. Please mark your request and envelope with “CALIFORNIA PUBLIC RECORDS ACT REQUEST”;
  • Orally
    •  Requests may be made by telephone or in person. When requests are made orally, State Fund staff will confirm your request in writing to ensure the request has been understood correctly.  

Records Defined  

“Records” include any writing State Fund owns, uses, or maintains for its convenience in discharging its public duty. Writing includes information recorded or stored on paper, electronic media, audio and/or video tapes.


State Fund will provide access to all public records upon request, unless the records you seek are considered exempt under law and are exempt from disclosure.  Examples of exempt records include individual State Fund policyholders, protected information about other people, trade secrets, attorney-client privilege, work product, etc.

When possible, State Fund will remove exempt information from records and provide the remainder of the record.

Identifying Records  

To help State Fund process record requests promptly, please be as specific as possible about the content of the records you seek.  If we are unable to identify the record being requested, State Fund staff will assist you in refining your request.

Inspection of Public Records 

During our regular business hours, State Fund shall make records we maintain available for inspection.  For the convenience of the public, records are generally provided by mail or electronically.  State Fund makes numerous publications, such as its Annual Reports, these Guidelines for Access to Public Records, and  other State Fund publications, and freely available on its website: or on request.

Other types of records may take more time to make available. Such record types include those currently being used by State Fund staff; records that must be located, or records that must be reviewed for information exempt from disclosure. Once records are available, we will set a mutually agreeable time for you to return to view them.

Processing Requests for Copies of Records   

State Fund will respond within 10 days after receipt of your request with information regarding the processing of your request. The 10-day letter will include an estimate of when your records will be available. The initial 10-day period may be extended for up to an additional 14 days if we need to:

  1. Communicate with field offices.
  2. Inspect a large number of records.
  3. Consult with other divisions or agencies. 
  4. Engage in computer programming, data compilation, or extraction to produce the record.
  5. Locate documents stored offsite.


Currently, State Fund provides copies of records free of charge when:

  • Paper copies total less than 250 pages.
  • Records are delivered in three or fewer CDs/DVDs.
  • Records are delivered electronically by email.

State Fund may charge for copies of records when:

  • Paper copies total  250 pages or more: 10 cents per page (for 8-1/2 x 11copies; additional charges may apply for oversized documents, including exhibits).
  • Records are delivered in four or more CDs/DVDs:  $5.00 each.

Copy fees may be waived if the costs of the duplication are less than the costs of processing the payment.  Civil Code §1798.33.

If your request requires data compilation, extraction, or programming to produce the records, you must bear the cost of producing the record.  Costs may include the cost of programming and computer services.  In such instances, you will receive an estimate of the charges and will be required to submit payment before work begins.

We accept payment for copies, data compilation, extraction, or programming by check or money order payable to State Compensation Insurance Fund.  No cash will be accepted.  Payment must be received and cleared before we will process the requested records.  Payment must be mailed to State Fund Public Records Office, 1010 Vaquero Circle, Vacaville, CA 95688.

Relevant Statutes

California Constitution, Article I, Section 3(b) and the California Public Records Act (Government Code §§ 7920.000-7931.000) govern access to public records of California state and local government agencies.

Additional Information

State Fund will post a copy of these guidelines in a conspicuous, public place in our offices and provide a free copy upon request.